Affordable Workspace Fund

Are you an affordable workspace provider or tenant interested in transforming your workspace to be more accessible, sustainable and energy efficient?

Affordable Workspace Fund 2024 - Hackney Business Network

Local workspace providers and businesses can bid for a share of £1 million to improve and expand affordable workspace in Hackney as part of a new Council fund to support the borough’s community of entrepreneurs, freelancers and small businesses.

The Affordable Workspace Fund has made grants of between £5,000 to £200,000 available to affordable workspaces, and businesses based within them, for projects that improve existing affordable workspaces and create new affordable workspace in the borough.

The fund particularly encourages investments that support the aims of the Hackney Responsible Business Charter, a new initiative encouraging businesses to help create a greener, fairer and more inclusive local economy. This could include creating business spaces that support the borough’s journey to net zero; provide jobs, training; or internships to local people, or offer access for local residents and community organisations.

Successful applicants to the Hackney Affordable Workspace Fund will be required to sign up to the Hackney Responsible Business Charter as part of their grant agreement, and proposals should set out a commitment to offering measurable social and environmental benefits for the community.

Applications are now closed.

Apply for up to £200,000 in grant funding to improve and expand affordable workspaces in Hackney.

How do I apply?

To apply for finance from the Hackney Business Network Affordable Workspace Fund, please complete the application form by 5pm on Friday 5 July, following the guidance in the Hackney Affordable Workspace Fund prospectus.

Supporting material should be emailed to with the subject line ‘Hackney Affordable Workspace Fund Application’. This should include: 

  • Project budget 

  • Business accounts for the last two years (financial years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024)

  • Statement of cashflow for the current financial year (2024/25)

  • Copies of the company bank statements for the last three months (i.e. April, May, June 2024)

  • Parent company accounts (where applicable)

  • Subsidy Control Disclosure Form

  • Company governance structure

  • Any available photos and plans of the premises/proposed works

  • Any quotes received for the planned works

  • Photographic ID of applicant/applicants

  • CVs of company directors / Demonstration of company track record 

  • Evidence of compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 reporting requirements (where applicable)